Montag, 14. September 2009

(active 1820 - 1860)

Arashi Rikaku II (c.1812 ~ 14 July 1864) as Tamagawa no Omutsu
Play: Minarote Toriawasetaru Okimiyage performed Kado theatre 10/1852
Sumi brush drawing and watercolors on japanese paper.
chuban tate-e 26,5 x 19 cm
Lit.: Ikeda Bunko, Vol.IV, no. 477

Sonntag, 6. September 2009

Sadanobu I
(1809 - 1879)

Sumi brush drawings / partly coloured
Original okubi-e sketches seemingly after a series of prints.
Very good condition with minor marks and flwas. Two little binding holes.
each 13,5 x 18,7 cm