Someone had painted an additional pupil into the right eye...:

After I saw the print in "Osaka Kagami" by Jan van Doesburg I tried my best to restore the original state with watercolors:

(1803-1853 / active after 1821)
Nakamura Utaemon III as Kato Masakiyo in the play Keisei Asoyama Zakura,
performed at Kato (or Kado no Shibai) theatre 1/1827
Lit. : Jan van Doesburg "Osaka Kagami", Huys den Esch, The Netherlands, 1985
"January 1827: Tomoemon plays the roles of Kara no Chishima no Kami, the boatman Yoichibei and Fukagusa Jinsaku in the drama "Keisei Asoyama Zakura", which is produced by Arashi Kichinosuke in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai, in competition with the Kado no Shibai where the same play is staged with a different line-up."