Title: Iwami Buyuden (Act 1) Actor: Ichikawa Ebizo V as Hirose Gunzo Play: Iwami Jutaro performed Naka Theatre 3/1855 right sheet of a diptych lit. Waseda 6-355
The complete diptych. Thanks to Mr.G.J. for the better picture.
The little I know about japanese woodblock prints is based on the work done by others. If you have a look on the list of links below you will find websites created by people collecting and describing prints over decades. They do the most to provide informations about artists, publishers, carvers etc. and to create archives freely accessable for everyone.
Without their knowledge and their willing help it won't be possible to describe the titles, subjects and dates accurately. Grateful thanks to all of them. All mistakes you may find are my fault.
Special thanks to Mr. Hendrick Lühl for his patient help in reading and describing most of the prints of the OSAKA artist's section and his cordial encouragement.