Katsushika Hokusai
(1760 - 1849)
Kanadehon Chushingura
Act 6
From a series of 11 prints, only two with censor and date seal.
In 1702, Lord Asano of Ako was provoked by Kira Kozukenosuke Yoshinaka into drawing his sword in the shogun's palace, for which he was forced to take his own life, and his estate was confiscated. Forty-seven of Lord Asano's retainers, who were now ronin - samurai without masters, planned and carried out a successful attack on Kira's palace. Kira's head was cut off with the same dagger Lord Asano used to commit seppuku. The 46 surviving ronin then took their own lives. These events were made into the famous play, Kanadehon Chushingura.
Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kinsuke
oban yoko-e 37 x 26 cm
The natural colours are still nice and delicate but faded. Some gauffrage in the sky, thick hosho paper.
Print from the same series.
Act 11