(active 1820 - 1860)
Signature: Hirosada
Actor / play: Nakamura Utaemon IV as Kajiwara Heiji (梶原平次)
and Nakayama Nanshi II as the chamber maid (こしもと/ koshimoto) Chidori (千鳥)
Title: first act (巻ノ壱) of the play Hiragana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記)
Date: performed at the Naka-za, Osaka, 8/1851
Dimension: chuban diptych / standard edition
Lit.: Kitagawa, "Bosuton bijutsukan shozô Kamigata-e mokuroku" (Kansai daigaku, 2007), p. 107; Ikeda bunko, Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei, vol. 4 (2003), #377
A small copy of the diptych.
h 12 x w 16 cm, unsigned
Special thanks to Ward Pieters for additional infos about this print and the japanese names and titles.
Scene from the same play >> click